September 28, 2009

Free but not FREE week

This week we didn't have lecture or lab. I'm sure your thinking that meant that I would have some more free time to use in order to focus on my proposal, right? NO!!!

We had multiple assignments due last week and this week. So I pulled those together and made all the deadlines. WHEW!!! Maybe, NOW I can find some time for my proposal.

So, if you want to see the insect bytes that I pulled together go to the links below.

I decided to find some videos of insects eating so check them out if you have time: Dragonfly eating a horse fly

Preying mantis taking out a mouse, YES I said mouse; this is NOT for the faint of heart

Assasin bug feeding from a vampire bat


  1. I can't believe how fast that praying mantis took down that mouse or that it would even want too!

  2. Woah! Great vids. Impressive creatures indeed.
