April 6, 2010

Lady Bugs Part III: Eradication

So now that you know how to identify MALB and something about the basic biology you need to know about Integrated Pest Management (IPM). There are 4 main methods of eradication, I have placed them in order of my preference on how I would go about removing them from my home.

1. Exclusion (has 4 parts which are in order of my preference)

A. Seal and Screen: in this method your goal is to make your house less of a target by replacing leaky windows, sealing cracks and holes with caulking, and replacing screens with holes with newer less "holy" screen mesh or repairing the mesh

B. Watering: this method attempts to make your home a inhospitable host for the MALB by using water around and on your house during their peak activity hours (11 am - 4 pm) and when the temperature is above 60 degrees F

C. Botanicals (these are untested methods so if you try them out keep track of their use and report back to "us" {mainly me}): this method attempts to reduce the number of MALB that make their way into your home by placing camphor crystals or tablets in knee-high areas outside your home, use a diffuser inside the home to disperse camphor essential oil around the inside of a room, burn vanilla candles, and/or place bay leaves in window sills

D. Exterior Pesticides: this method used pesticides to kill the MALB that are around the outside of the house; remember that restricted use pesticides must be applied by a professional, the areas that should be covered are the roof line, base of walls, and the windows and doors; the recommendation is to use pyrethroids such as deltamethrin, cypermethrin, or cyfluthrin

2. Trapping: use a vacuum, pheromone trap, sticky trap, modified black light trap, and/or manufactured black-light trap to trap the MALB which then removes them from your home, you may then want to introduce them to your diversion (see below) and determine if they will stay there

3. Diversion: in this method you are trying to create or modify an existing structure with the hope that the MALB will decide that this structure is a more suitable habitat than your home; some recommended tips include a structure which is taller than your house (MALB are attracted to the tallest structure on the horizon), paint the structure a lighter color than your home (such as white), make sure that the structure has lots of tiny spaces for the MALB to use, and keep the structure in a warm and dry location (NOTE: in Asia, MALB overwinter in cliff sides and roof faces)

4. Camouflage: in this method you are attempting to make your house appear to be an inhospitable structure for the MALB ; do this by painting your house a dark color, remove dead insects from your home (you may want to put them next to your diversion structure in order to attract the MALB to it), and remove the tallest object from your home

References Used:

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